Monday Night Travel: Favorite Castles and Palaces 31:33
Published by: Gabe (Rick Steves' Europe)
For many sightseers, Europe is synonymous with castles and palaces. Join Rick for a grand tour of his favorites, scattered far and wide: In Romania, we’ll see the fanciful palace of its first king, a fortified Lutheran church, and a castle swarming with Dracula legends (which we'll happily debunk). England specializes in great castles, and we'll visit two, in Warwick and Dover. France's Loire Valley is famous for its grand châteaux. Stout Suomenlinna Fortress guards Helsinki's harbor. Carcassonne is one of the best-preserved walled cities anywhere. And high in the Alps between Innsbruck and the Dolomites, antique fortresses guard the Brenner Pass — an artery of trade dating back to Roman times.
Watch this playlist along with Rick and hear his behind-the-scenes commentary HERE.
Watch this playlist along with Rick and hear his behind-the-scenes commentary HERE.