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Make A Playlist: Add a video to get started!

Paris, Provence and Barcelona 1:19:03

Published by: Laura Tawil | School: Firelands High School (Visual Arts)

Videos to introduce and support the sites and experiences you may have on the trip.
Avignon/ Papal Palaces Clip is at this link:

Notes to Viewers

Based on the EF Tours itinerary for the EHS 2020 spring break trip.
Includes reference videos for the story of Easter (as you'll be traveling during Holy Week), Flamenco performance and Picasso sites along the south of France and Barcelona. I recommend independently pursuing visits to Versailles on Day 3, the Musee D'Orsay in Paris in addition to the Louvre on day 4 and the Picasso Museum on the free day 9 in Barcelona.
Avignon/ Papal Palaces Clip is at this link: