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Monday Night Travel: My Dream Vacation: Rick's Birthday Celebration 28:29

Published by: Gabe (Rick Steves' Europe)

Happy Birthday to Rick, Happy Birthday to Rick! Let's celebrate Rick's special day together by traveling to some of his favorite corners of Europe, weaving together a virtual dream vacation. In France, we'll savor a Burgundian feast on a canal boat and hut-hop around the base of Mont Blanc, Europe's highest peak. We’ll escape Athens to the dreamy, traffic-free isle of Hydra and go feral on Ireland’s Dingle Peninsula. In Paris, we'll stroll Rue Cler, one of Europe's most engaging market streets, and on the Danish isle of Ærø, we'll go for a bike ride and pause for a picnic on the beach.

Watch this playlist along with Rick and hear his behind-the-scenes commentary HERE.