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Carving Marble: Visiting a Sculptor’s Studio

Florence, Italy

Whether in ancient times or in modern times, sculpting with marble is essentially the same process, as demonstrated in this visit with sculptor Raffaello Romanelli in his Florentine Galleria Romanelli.

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[39, Raffaello Romanelli, Studio Galleria Romanelli, Florence,] By the way, whether in ancient times or in modern times, sculpting with marble is essentially the same process. The sculptor generally starts with a clay model. Making this is the creative work of the artist. Once this is finished, it's copied — an artisan can take it from there. From the clay model a plaster cast is made. And then with a pointing machine corresponding points are copied. Of course, the sculptor starts with a raw piece of marble, chipping at first with a big chisel…then various finer chisels…then a rasp…and finally polished with sandpaper, creating the same timeless beauty as the ancients.