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Why We Travel #1: For Fun and Excitement


Part 1 of 5, this clip celebrates how we travel to have experiences…to have fun. Going to new places invigorates us. It’s exciting.

Complete Video Script

We travel as tourists, to have experiences, to have fun. Going to new places invigorates us; it's exciting.

On the road, we get more out of our lives — seeing our first Michelangelo, exploring our first castle, savoring something straight from the sea, reaching for high-altitude thrills, being enthralled. Of course, travel is fun — relaxing with abandon, not acting our age, going for broke, joining the party. Travel is also sensual. We see like an artist…we listen like a poet…we taste the unfamiliar — we celebrate with all our senses. Travel heightens our emotions. It makes us really feel — deeply — the beauty, vividly — the power, and thoughtfully — the humanity. This enhanced experience changes us; it stokes our appetite for life.

Travel is also about people; relationships. We savor conviviality with old friends and with new friends. We laugh with abandon. Shared experiences become lifelong memories. My earliest travel experiences — captured on the road decades ago in journals and postcards — remain some of my most treasured memories. The writing kept telling the story of how travel makes the world your friend.

Journal entry: June 3, 1980, Dingle Peninsula. I really didn't know where I was going. I just stuck out my thumb, and whichever direction the car was going… 1981, July 7, York. The evening was spent enchanted in the church, listening to a Bach Mass in B minor… …after a second day of drizzle, the landlady looked out the window and cheered to me, saying "Ah, another day of soft weather!"… …is precarious, but I have a strange, almost cocky optimism — a feeling that things will somehow work out for the best.

Travel can change our perspective — we discover there's more to life than increasing its speed. As we experience new things, we pause, we reflect; we let the experience breathe. With less hurry, we're able to appreciate nature — to be overwhelmed by it; to notice its power, its richness, the sweep of the weather, the roar of the river, the freshness of springtime. We notice the light — we savor it. We marvel at the beauty it creates. Every sunset is a devotional, reminding us that life is good. Travel engages us in every sense. This is why we travel — we travel for the experience.