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The Pendulum of Art History: Between Emotional and Cerebral


Art through the ages, swings like a pendulum from emotional to cerebral: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassical, Romanticism…back and forth between your heart and your head.

Complete Video Script

[37] By the way, I love how art, as it journeys through the ages, swings like a pendulum from emotional to cerebral: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassical, Romanticism…back and forth between your heart and your head. That pendulum of art just kept on swinging.

[38] Think about it: Gothic speaks to your heart…to your soul, Renaissance was calculated and logical…then Baroque was emotional again — with such exuberance. All that drama resulted in the cool and intellectual art of the Neoclassical Age which then inspired artists to unleash their hearts yet again and embrace Romanticism.