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A Six-Minute Rick Steves-in-Slippers Concert


The only other job I’ve had other than travel teacher is piano teacher. (With 50 wonderful students in my college days, I made enough money to travel through Europe every summer.) Back then, I’d spend my weekends lecturing about European travel — Saturday: six hours on travel skills; Sunday: six hours on art and history for travelers. (These lectures laid the foundation for two of my most important books: “Europe Through the Back Door” and “Europe 101: History and Art for the Traveler.”)

Whenever there was a piano on the stage during my lectures, I’d jump at the opportunity to demonstrate on the keyboard how the various arts (painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, and music) held hands as they walked together through the ages. And at a recent Monday Night Travel party, I had a lot of fun reviving that tradition. So, join our labradoodles Jackson and Gracie for a quickie concert featuring Baroque (Bach and Scarlatti), Neoclassical (Mozart), Romantic (Chopin and Schumann), Impressionism (Debussy), and Modern (Ginastera) — and enjoy a sweep through art history for your ears.

Complete Video Script

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