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Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Memorial

Jerusalem, Israel

The best place in Israel to learn about the Holocaust is Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. This sprawling memorial and museum chronicles and remembers the slaughter of six million Jews by Nazi Germany. It also celebrates the spirit of Zionism and the creation of modern Israel.

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The best place to both remember and learn about the Holocaust is Yad Vashem, back in Jerusalem.

This sprawling and beautifully landscaped memorial and museum is dedicated to chronicling, remembering, and learning from the slaughter of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany. School groups, visiting heads of state, and soldiers are all brought here to appreciate what the Holocaust means to the Jewish people. The museum artfully tells the story. While working their way through the thoughtfully laid out exhibit, visitors struggle to comprehend the madness and the scope of that nightmare.

The Hall of Names is designed to give every Jewish victim the dignity of simply being named and recorded. This archive aspires to catalog and therefore remember each of the 6 million victims.

Yad Vashem also celebrates the creation of modern Israel. It shows the spirit of Zionism — that determination of those who came both as concentration-camp survivors and refugees from Europe to forge a state for the Jewish people. Photos of the first settlers show early Zionists returning to their historic homeland — starting as a trickle in the late 19th century, and becoming a flood after the Holocaust.