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A Turkish Circumcision Party: “Like a Wedding without the In-Laws”


In Turkey, circumcision is a rite of passage celebrated as a family festival, with food, music, and dancing. Traditionally, Turks love a good circumcision party — some call it “a wedding without the in-laws.”

Complete Video Script

Traditional life survives most vividly in the small, rural towns. And, with a spirit of adventure, the curious traveler is likely to stumble onto lots of cultural action. This elaborate family festival is celebrating an important event in this child’s life: his circumcision.

For Turkish boys, a circumcision is a cultural and time-honored rite of passage. All the family and friends gather as the proud boy dresses up like a sultan prince. As the festival unfolds, the party kicks into gear.

When the time comes, the boy receives blessings from his elders…and then loved ones gather to cheer him on. Inside his home, his proud parents lovingly support their child as he meets the doctor.

Meanwhile, the music and dancing in the back yard continues for hours. Traditionally, Turks love a good circumcision party — some call it “a wedding without the in-laws.”